Do I need a revenue management consultant when I already have RMH with my brand?

March 23, 2020 at 4:00 AM
This is my brother and sister-in-law’s room. They have the best style!

Hotel franchisees often enjoy a number of services provided by the parent company. Franchising may be one of the least understood processes in the service industry.

For example, many on the outside of the industry rarely realize that franchise owners are local small business owners who just happen to affiliate with a nationally known brand. Just as important to know, many on the inside also remain unaware that the services provided by the brand may not be enough to cover their needs.

At NextGen, our hotel revenue consultants go above and beyond what the brand and parent company provides, ensuring effective service for your franchise that better connects you to your market.

What The Hotel Brand Offers

Revenue management for hotels involves understanding each facility’s ability to tap into the marketplace. It helps owners and operators to determine the best possible ways to maximize revenues from customer stays during cycles of more or less usual occupancy. Hotel and motel operations must embrace the concept of RMH to stay ahead of their tough competition in most areas.

Big hotel and motel brands offer limited RMH services for free or reduced cost. Unfortunately, these services operate at the 30,000-foot level and offer much of the same services for hotels, whether in Philadelphia or Peoria. Hotels in different areas have different needs, and parent companies are less able to account for local variables.

How We Exceed Brand RMH

In many ways, a hotel franchisee can benefit from more specific RMH services from a firm dedicated to their needs.

Local conditions have significant impacts on lodging businesses. Everything from high school football games to fairs and festivals and local tourist attractions can affect business patterns. NextGen’s job lies not in providing general information for guidance.

Some of the special services that we provide our clients include:

  • Optimized room revenue based on local conditions
  • Improved market share
  • Sustained RevPAR growth
  • Increased channel contribution
  • Tactical systems management

Engaging NextGen to take care of RMH will start providing results in about three months. This allows our hotel revenue consultants the time they need to learn the local market and your role within it.

On average, in the first year, our clients see five points of RGI growth. Our processes and products help hotel franchisees to develop even more competitive advantage against other operations in the same business area. You will receive precise information on forecasting, pricing, and distribution.

A Better Way of Business

Since we are not a major national corporation, we can provide sound and solid support for a variety of different sized operations. From chain franchisees to mom and pop hotels, we have the experience and the agility to provide the help you need to perform to your potential as a business.

Reach Out Today

Learn more about how we work with our clients in the hospitality field to build their business and increase revenues. Our expert and friendly staff can answer any questions that you may have about our extensive services and how they benefit your business.

Call, email, or message today for more information.

Don’t ditch your free RMH services. Let NextGen help you make them even more effective.